Ross Builders Northwest, LLC is a full service Construction Manager/General Contractor. We provide the following services:
The pre-construction is the very beginning phase of a project and is the point where the Owner, Architect and Contractor have the greatest opportunity to reduce cost and minimize risk.
Construction Management/General Contracting (CM/GC) services is a procurement method that involves early partnering between owner, designer, and contractor to jointly develop projects. This approach enables owners to benefit from designer and contractor expertise at an early stage in the procurement process, ensuring maximum opportunities for value engineering.
Design / Build
Design-build is becoming a more popular delivery method for projects in the U.S., and for good reason. Compared to traditional construction methods design-build is faster, cheaper, simpler to administrate, and, in a word, better.
Cost Estimating
An accurate cost estimate at the early stages of a project are crucial. An estimate that is too high can sink a project before it gets off the ground. A project that is too low creates a difficult situation for all parties involved. Ross Builders Northwest has the ability to turn your napkin sketch into a full blow detailed estimate that will be use by the team to make crucial decisions.
Sustainable Building Construction
In today’s market, sustainable design, development, and construction have become critical components to most projects. Ross Builders Northwest is committed to furthering sustainable construction practices and views it as an integral part of our culture.